Welcome to Precious Creations
Preschool and Academy
All of your early child care needs at one location! Childcare - Preschool - Elementary
Precious Creations has been in existence since the year 2000 and services one-year-olds through fifth grade. We are a private own preschool and academy that incorporates God’s word in the academics.
Our Founders
Kenneth and Jackie Stephens
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
- Proverbs 22:6

Precious Creations Preschool
With many opportunities to learn and explore, our program encourages the development of social skills and independence

Precious Creations Preschool 2
Free play and structured activities will provide a well-balanced preschool education

Precious Creations Academy
Small group and personalized activities will develop close relationships while encouraging problem solving and abstract thinking
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